8:30 PM: Both girls had a good day today. Sophie was home with Randall, and although she was frequently demanding, she felt good and was generally happy. They went down to the Grocery Barn (the local hangout: a store, grill, and gas station owned by one of our church members) for lunch and enjoyed getting out. Sophie is looking pretty pale and is beginning to bruise easily.
Elisabeth went to school today and enjoyed a fun day. She's out of school for spring break tomorrow and all next week. We all went to church tonight for a Maundy Thursday service. There were probably about a dozen people there. Sophie was quite pleased to see Ms. Dawn (her day care teacher), who decided to join us for the service tonight. It was good to see her.
I would like to thank the anonymous person who sent a note with discount hospital parking coupons to my mailbox at RTI. You didn't say who you were but indicated you had read about Sophie and our family on the web site, so I hope you see this and know how much we appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Hi. I am glad that both of the girls had good days today. I am also glad that Elisabeth was able to go to school and enjoy the "Spring Fling". I wanted to update everyone on Haley's condition. Haley is doing very good. The tumor was removed and the biopsy showed that it was not cancerous. We have to take her for a MRI every 3 months to determine first of all, if they got it all (there was so much bruising and swelling that they aren't sure if they got it all) and second to make sure that there's not a reoccurrence. They feel pretty sure that they got it all. Haley feels good, she just gets really tired. She doesn't need any PT and will be able to return to school on half days after Easter break. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. We have felt the many prayers. The power of prayer is awesome. I'd also like to thank Susan and Randall for being so supportive. They truly understand how in an instance our lives can be forever changed. I will keep Sophie in my prayers and keep in touch with you guys. Haley says to tell Elisabeth Hello and she is looking foward to her coming over again to play. Laura
Posted by: Laura Wilson | March 24, 2005 08:58 PM