« 3/25/05 | Main | 3/27/05 »


9:00 PM: It's been a pretty good day. We spent the morning piddling around. The girls and I headed out to a drive-through and brought lunch home to eat with Randall. We got Sophie down for an early nap so she could get plenty of sleep before today's Easter Egg Hunt at the home of one our church members. The kids all had a great time, but Sophie was pretty wiped out. She said she didn't feel well as she was finishing her snack after the hunt. She perked up once we got home, and the girls and I played outside while Randall finished up his sermons for tomorrow (two services). We went to Cracker Barrel for dinner and planned to do a bit of grocery shopping afterwards, but we decided it was too late and Sophie was tired, so we came home. She's definitely getting more bruises, still mostly along bony areas, so it's probably okay, but I think we'll give the doctors a call tomorrow. She might need a platelet transfusion before Tuesday when we're up again for her next treatment.


I am so glad the girls had a nice time at the egg hunt and that the day was nice enough for it i hope you have a great Easter and i will see you in the evening god bless Dawn

A wonderful and blessed Easter to all of you!! You are indeed in my prayers. Thank you, Randall, for the e-mail message. It is hard for me to picture you all back east but I know that it is a good place for you with family nearby.
Keep up your strength, Randall and Susan. I so appreciate all the postings you do, Susan. You do have LOTS GOING ON!!!

Love, Jan