3/30/05 11:30
11:30 AM: Quick update. Sophie has been vomiting this morning, and she lost consciousness after the second time. I called the doctor, and they said to take her to the local ER. Randall is there with her now (I came home to pack an overnight bag, just in case). They are running some blood tests and plan to send her to Chapel Hill by ambulance, just in case there's a problem on the way there. They will do some brain scans--one of the rare side effects of the methotrexate she took yesterday is seizures. They suspect she'll be coming home tonight, but we want to be prepared to stay just in case. Elisabeth is staying with friends from the church.
Sorry to hear this news about Sophie. Thanks for taking the time to post. We will immediately begin praying for everything to return to normal conditions for Sophie and for extra strength for all of you. Love & prayers Deanna
Posted by: Deanna Tew | March 30, 2005 02:08 PM
Sorry about Sophie. I will start a prayer chain. She is strong and so are her parents. God will look after her for he loves his little children. I will keep in touch. Let me know if you need me to keep Elisabeth tommorow. Love, Laura
Posted by: Laura Wilson | March 30, 2005 04:17 PM