7:52 PM (Randall posting): We have had a terrific day today. Susan left early for work and I got up and got Elisabeth off to school while Eileen stayed home with Sophie.
The one bad news (maybe) that we got today was that Susan's car died on the way to work. She pulled over and it started back up. The clock reset, so there was something electronic wrong. She got the car to a service station and they could not find anything wrong. The car made it home safely with no problems, so we'll just have to wait and see if it acts up again. In the meantime, whoever drives up to the Triangle will drive the minivan. Of course, this does not help me fight off the itch to buy a new car!
With Eileen at home, we actually stuck pretty close to the schedule. The Home Health care nurse came mid-morning to do a blood draw and after that Eileen and Sophie went outside for a long walk. They saw another blimp (not the one we saw the other day), which was very exciting. After the walk, Sophie had lunch (not much since she had been snacking all morning--typical). She then decided she wanted to take a nap in Mommy and Daddy's bed. The new location must have worked, because she practically went straight to sleep and slept for nearly three hours. I got lots of work done today, which is good since I have (note the present tense *have*) a paper due today (11:59pm is still "today," right?).
The best news of all today was that the blood work came back really, really strong. Sophie's ANC (the count we really look at to see how her immune system is holding up) was 2.6. That's the highest it has been since she has been diagnosed. All of her other counts were good, but that one in particular is just remarkable. Her hemoglobin (red blood cells) and platelet counts have dropped some, but she will not need a transfusion this week. We start the second week of in-home IV chemo tonight (I think Susan is administering it as I type), but given how strong Sophie's counts are as we head into these next four days of chemo, we are very hopeful that with all of the prayers supporting Sophie and our family, Sophie will continue to hold strong. We're hoping that we'll be able to bring Sophie by her old classroom this week. She's been talking a lot about her "school" these last few days, and I'm sure she'll enjoy a visit.
We had a good night last night, here's hoping that we have another good night tonight!