4/27/05 PM
8:30 PM: We got a card in the mail today from Sandy, a friend of Randall's mom, and I found it so touching. I just want to share what it said (the printed part) that felt so very supportive.
ON THE COVER: I've been thinking abut everything you're dealing with right now, and I'm so inspired by your response. God has given you a beautiful grace to go through this...INSIDE:
...and your faith is helping others see His faithfulness more clearly.Scripture verse:
"...We can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like Him." II Corinthians 3:128 TLB
And in addition to these amazing words that were printed on the card (manufactured by Dayspring cards), she wrote some very nice things to us. What a comforting thing to come home to after a long day. (Hoping that posting this here isn't a copyright violation!)