9:45 PM (Randall posting): It's a quiet end to a good weekend. We all got plenty of rest and didn't do a whole lot and spent a lot of time together as a family. Today was pretty routine--church, Sunday School, lunch, quiet rest, Bible Study, date night. If anyone ever wants to know what we're doing on any given Sunday, that's a good guide. It varies some times, but usually that's it.
After lunch Elisabeth was throwing around some attitude about wanting to play outside and we kept insisting that it was time for quiet rest. After an hour or so, I took Elisabeth with me to buy a newspaper and we hung out outside until the wind drove us in. She confessed to me that she actually had a good time in her room during quiet rest and she was sorry to have made such a fuss about it. Sometimes her maturity comes out of nowhere and takes you by suprise. Someone suggested that we are already nearing the age of teenagerhood, which is pretty scary, but I think I can see it sometimes. May God have mercy on us all!
Sophie's been her enthusiastic and energetic self today. This morning at church the children's sermon was on spiritual gifts and how we have all been given gifts by the Spirit. I said I thought Sophie's gift was the gift of joy. She is just so generous and so joyful that it's infectious.
We're somewhat anxious to hear about Sophie's blood count tomorrow. If her counts are up, it will mean a trip to the clinic on Tuesday for three types of chemo (two through the IV and one through a spinal tap) and another trip on Wednesday for yet another treatment (a Peg shot in both legs). Of course, if her counts are too low, we may be going in for a transfusion. Needless to say, not knowing where we stand less than 48 hours from now is not easy. Whatever happens, God willing, I'm sure we'll get through the day and move on to the next day when that time comes.
God's grace is sufficient for the day and new every morning. Sometimes it is difficult to rest in that promise. Love, Eileen
Posted by: Eileen J. Brumbaugh | May 15, 2005 10:13 PM
Hi Susan and Randall,
I have just returned from my honeymoon trip and have read through all of the posts since my departure. Wow, what a time you have had! I am so happy to hear that Randall got 2 A's and that Susan got a raise - hurray for both of you for such an amazing job under incredibly trying circumstances. Am sad to hear about the car troubles, but hoping that since the last fix all is well. At any rate, thinking of all of you. Here is a link to where I am posting photos from the trip (New Zealand album): http://photos.yahoo.com/hliss We have a lot of photos in there already, but believe it or not that is only half the trip! My husband had to run down to Miami for business and took his laptop, which has all of our digital photos. The rest of the photos will be up in the next week or so. From reading your website it sounds as though Sophie will be getting a break from treatment soon, or am I reading it wrong? It is such a complex treatment plan that I think sometimes it is tough for me to get a good handle on what is happening. At any rate, I do hope that this would mean a break for everyone - I'm sure that a break is sorely needed. Thank you for all of the inspiration. Regards, Heidi
Posted by: Heidi Liss | May 16, 2005 01:34 PM
It sounds like you had a nice relaxing weekend overall. I hope that Sophie's blood count turns out well.
Posted by: Gwyneth | May 16, 2005 02:16 PM