« 5/15/05 | Main | 5/17/05 »


9:45 PM (Randall posting): It has been a crazy, exhausting day that we just won't get into much detail about, simply because it has been a crazy, exhausting day. The home health nurse came on schedule (we like her!) this morning to do Sophie's blood work and dressing change. It didn't go quite as well as last week's but was much better than it had been in the weeks before. The new dressing seems to be working out really well. Her chest isn't nearly as irritated as it had been getting, and she recovered quickly from being upset. She even showed Amy some dance moves.

Sophie's bloodwork came back this afternoon, and her counts are too low to begin chemotherapy this week. In fact, everything but her platelets are as low as they have been since February. Because her platelets tend to run ahead of everything else (or at least it seems that way), she may be on the upswing. At least we're hoping that is the case.

Given that this round of chemo starts with two days back-to-back, we are not disappointed that we have to wait another week. Susan is having a busy week at work and I'm not feeling well right now. Elisabeth has her follow-up appointment on Wednesday to tend to her finger, and we were not quite sure how we would manage everything if we did need to go to Chapel Hill on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.


Hi, I'm sorry that your day was so crazy. I didn't have such a bad day. I didn't get either of my heart's desires for my birthday, but, I know that I will in God's perfect timing - even if I don't agree with it. I played on the computer this morning, paid some bills,washed several loads of laundry, received a phone call that the tea I was planning to attend was cancelled, ran a few erands, mowed the lawn, talked to Christopher and Trish and my parents. I then watered the garden that I finished planting on Sunday by hand, watered the flowers that got planted and those that didn't, then packed for worked and for the trip to PA on Wednesday. No wonder I feel so tired now. Friends of mine are cooking dinner for me on Saturday for my birthday. It will be fun even if it wasn't the day that I would have preferred.
I am sorry that Sophie's counts are low, but I am sure that they will be better next week. Will going to Chapel Hill two days in a row work better next week? When is it that Randall and Elisabeth are going to NM? If you really need the help, I could drive down after I get home from work on Monday. I would have to leave sometime on Wednesday because I work again on Thursday.
I am glad that Amy was able to help you with Sophie's dressing change. I am also glad that the new dressing seems to be working better than the others. I believe that eventually Sophie will become accustomed to the dressing changes - not sure when, but I do believe there will be a time when it won't be traumatic for any of you.
I do hope that Elisabeth's finger is all mended. I know that she is tired of wearing the splint. I suspect that the splint does remind her for now to obey her parents when they say that something might hurt her if she doesn't listen.
Hugs and kisses all around. Love, Eileen

I'm sorry that Sophie's counts are down, but sounds like a week off from your trek to Chapel Hill will be welcome. I hope Elisabeth gets good news at the doctor's tomorrow. Mother had a good night, but I think I will stay with her one more day. She is still a little weak and confused sometimes, so I will feel better being here. We did get outside for a few minutes yesterday and planted wave petunias in the box on the front porch. She was so tired when we came in -- even after just a few minutes. But she sure is better than this weekend. I hope today is filled with pleasant and interesting things for all of you.