9:20 PM: It was a much more relaxed day today. Just to give you an indication of how tired Sophie must have been, she (who usually is up at 6:30) slept in until 9:00 this morning. It may have been our most productive morning at home with Sophie so far. We were both working at home today. One bit of good news--the fellow across the street has just opened a new garage to do car repairs. Someone from our congregation called him early this morning, and he came over to the house (who know mechanics made house calls?). He looked over the car, took the battery back to his place, charged it up, fixed a loose connection, and charged us a grand total of $30. Now that was unexpected. It hasn't lessened Randall's desire to buy a new car though. I'd like to live with no car payments for while longer (although what we've paid in repairs over the last three months has definitely been more than car payments would have been).
Sophie will head back to the clinic tomorrow with Randall. She'll get vincristine (in her IV) and shots in her thighs (aspariginase, or "peg shots" as they tend to call them). Assuming she doesn't need a transfusion (which she may) it may not be a long day. She seems to be bruising a fair amount and is quite pale. We're eager to hear how her counts are doing. She had lots of energy at church tonight and was happy to see our friends.
We may have a budding drummer on our hands. The revival preacher brings his praise band with him each night, and the drums are set up in the sanctuary. After the service tonight, the drummer was showing the kids how to drum, and apparently Sophie was really getting into it. I told him I wanted his phone number so I can call and complain in ten years when Sophie is practicing drums in our house. Elisabeth is really into the revival. She's very disappointed that we're going to miss part of it tomorrow because she has dance class. She also said she's looking forward to the healing service they will do on Wednesday, because she wants them to pray over Sophie. So sweet. I figured her first thought would be that they would pray over her broken finger.
Hey. Haley informed me that Elisabeth lost a tooth at school today and Haley lost one before school today. They actually lost teeth in the same location. Haley said to me tonight, "Mommy the tooth fairy sure is going to be busy tonight. How far is Elisabeth's house from my hous?. I bet the fairy will go to her house first and then come by my house". I thought that was cute, Then she told me that Sophie and Elisabeth have busy days on Tuesdays. She said Elisabeth has dance and Sophie has to go get medicine in her "tail". They obviously do a lot of talking at school. It's good that they have become such good friends. Hope to see you all soon. Laura
Posted by: Laura Wilson | May 2, 2005 11:05 PM
Hi, I am happy that Elisabeth's tooth has come out and none of US had to see any blood! She sure worked on that tooth while I was there. It was good to hear that Sophie perked up after a bumpy morning before "graduation" on Sunday afternoon. I know that each day she had less and less energy on a sustained basis. I too suspect that she will need another transfusion soon. It seems like the Cytosar effects Sophie's RBC and platelets more than her WBCs as each time I have been there for the Cytosar infusions, she get paler and has more bruising. Of course, some of the bruising may come from riding bikes and playing on the swings too.
Praise the Lord, that it was just the battery and a loose connection. I suspect it was the loose connection that caused the problem since the car worked and then stopped and worked again. I will pray in agreement that there are no further repairs needed for the car this year.
Humm, shall I buy Sophie some drums for her birthday? I think it just might go along nicely with the Dressup Dora doll and outfits that I have so far. If it is any comfort, Trish (Christopher's wife) played the drums in high school and plays at church when the regular drummer is absent or when the large bongo drums are needed. I suspect that those large bongo drums have another name, but that is what they look like to me.
I am glad that you two were able to get some work done at home today. I know that Sophie can entertain herself for short peroids of time, but she sure like to have someone to walk with her and play on the swings with her and blow bubbles with her, etc. I don't think that is anything but age appropriate. At Sophie's age no one has to tell them they are the center of the universe - they already know it! It only becomes a problem when you are 50+ and still act that same way.
I need to be off to bed. I have to get up early tomorrow to go with Christopher. I, like you, am tired today.
Take care and thanks again for everything. Love, Eileen
Posted by: Eileen J Brumbaugh | May 3, 2005 12:02 AM