« 5/22/05 AM | Main | 5/23/05 PM »


3:00 PM (Susan posting): Amy (the home health care nurse) came this morning to draw blood and help us with the dressing change (which caused some tears, as usual). The clinic just called to say that although Sophie's counts are moving up, her ANC is still too low to proceed with treatment tomorrow. Her red blood cells and platelets are doing really well, but her ANC is .3 (last week it was .1, and it needs to be .75 to start the next phase). We'll enjoy this extended break from treatment. It gives us a good excuse to shelter ourselves from the world and enjoy each other's company.

We've had a good day so far. I'm trying to work at home while Randall handles both girls and takes care of things around the house. He got lots accomplished this morning, and the girls pretty much entertained themselves (and there was only a minimum of TV). Randall and Elisabeth are out running errands while Sophie naps. We had hoped Sophie's counts would be high enough to celebrate by going out for dinner, but we'll be staying at home and eating leftovers instead. Luckily, we'll be enjoying a new casserole I tried out yesterday, so I don't mind having it again.