« 5/27/05 | Main | 5/29/05 »


8:15 PM (Susan posting): We had a nice day today. It was a lazy morning of hanging out, playing, and watching TV. We ran a few errands around lunchtime, and then came home for a nap. Because the nap got a late start, it was after 5:00 when Sophie woke up. After dinner, we played out out in the yard and spent some time in the building play room. Randall set up a radio/CD player in there, so we were listening to classical music. We all really enjoyed ourselves. The girls are taking a bath, and we're hoping they'll go to bed easily so we can enjoy some child-free time together, but with that late nap, they'll probably be up late.

Randall was able to finish his sermon for tomorrow during Sophie's nap and will practice it after the girls go to sleep. He'll have Monday to finish working on the sermon for the following week. He and Elisabeth leave pretty early on Tuesday morning. We'll find out on Monday whether Sophie and I will have an early morning at the clinic on Tuesday. We're assuming her counts will be high enough on Monday.