« 7/20/05 | Main | 7/23/05 »


10:00 AM (Susan posting): Yesterday was a good day (with the exception of Randall's terrible headache, which took him out of commission most of the day). The girls had a couple of visitors, and they played most of the day. Sophie took a long nap and seems to be doing well. She's really enjoying food fresh from the garden. Last night Randall and I went out while the girls stayed at home with Mom and Nannie. We saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (which we both really liked), and then we went out to dinner (which we also both really liked). We made it home before the girls went to bed, and then we hung out talking to Mom until it was out bedtime.

We've been having a lazy morning. We slept in a little bit today and just finished brunch. It's really nice to have no particular responsibilities and just relax.