9:45 PM (Susan posting): Another satisfying day has gone by. I worked at home today (although I didn't work too hard since I had planned on taking the day off for treatment (thankfully, not needed now)). Mid-morning, we took a break to go fig-picking at the home of some friends of ours. We visited for quite a while and ended up staying for lunch. Sophie took a long nap while Randall and I took care of things (work for me, taxes for Randall). After an early dinner, we went back over to the nursery for a walk and hanging out with our friends. Sophie is now calling Joyce "Grandma" since that's what her grandsons (who are also there in the evenings) call her. We got home about an hour ago, and we had a snack before getting the girls in bed. We called Randall's mom tonight (Elisabeth will be visiting her on Saturday), and Elisabeth started crying when it was time to say goodbye. She is still crying on and off now, poor thing. Sophie has been saying and doing all kinds of cute things lately. She's still telling that same knock-knock joke to anyone who will listen. She's also been making up songs (which she sings at the top of her lungs, and I can tell you that you will regret it if you ask her to sing more quietly). She also tries to avoid doing what she is asked by saying that some particular body part is broken (e.g., she can't sleep because her eyes are broken or she can't finish eating because her mouth is broken).
Someone sent us a picture of me and Sophie that was taken at the clinic the day she refused to have a spinal tap (July 1). It's pretty good of both of us. It must have been one of the calmer moments when the nurse was nearby but not actually trying to touch her. I think she had received two sedation injections at this point.
Sounds as if everything is going rather smooth for all lately. That is wonderful to know.I'm still amazed at how much we can carry when the load gets so heavy, just when we think we will break there is a lifting!! God is great and we are never alone !! Hope all continues to be good for you and we will trust that the next phase will be gentle on Sophie and family. Love and prayers Deanna
Posted by: Deanna Tew | August 3, 2005 10:23 AM