9:30 PM: What a day! And for Randall it's not even over yet. Elisabeth caught the bus this morning, and Randall left for his first class of the semester shortly after that. I decided that I would take advantage of my part-time status and take the day off of work. It started out as a pretty slow morning, and I even joined Sophie in her morning nap. For the rest of the day though, even if I wasn't doing RTI work, I was doing lots of house work. I got tons of cooking and cleaning done (even if the majority of the cooking was for Sophie). I was frequently interrupted, so my work wasn't terribly efficient, but it sure was satisfying.
Tuesday is Randall's long day. He has three classes plus worship, and he's usually done at 6:30 and would normally be home by now. He's meeting with some people in the congregation tonight, so he's not home yet, but he should be soon. Tomorrow, he'll be finishing off his paper. I've had to be careful getting on the computer today, because it is surrounded by multiple piles of books and articles. I don't envy him at all. I talked to him a couple of times today. He sounded so energized by being back on campus. Being home with the girls all summer was hard for him. We all crave stimulating adult company and being home with kids all day is isolating.
Today was Sophie's first day off steroids. I honestly can't see much difference yet. Just walking around exhausts her. I don't know how much she weighs right now, but it's got to be hard for her to move around and manage her own body. She was really sweet and patient today. She was often willing to wait to read a book until I had finished whatever I was working on. As long as I explained what I was doing and promised I would attend to her, she would wait. One fun development we've discovered in the last day or two is that she's starting to memorize her books. With some of the books we read over and over to her, if we read the first word in the sentence, she can finish the sentence. It's pretty neat! And I lavish her with praise when she does it, so she's really proud of herself.
Randall's home, so I'll sign off for tonight!
Whew, what a day indeed! To give you a thumbnail version. I now have temporary physical custody of Adriane and Nathan. I will leave on Thursday to pick them up in FL. The down side is that I have to remain in PA with them until the hearing scheduled for October 28. I have a lot of things to arrange like getting them enrolled in school in Punxy, arrange for their health insurance in Jefferson county (the county my parents live in), arrange for family leave from my Winchester job. I will have to work the weekends scheduled for Cumberland for financial reasons. Get some decent clothes for the kids to wear to school, find places to keep things at my parents house, etc, etc, etc. I don't think Felecia has fully realized what she agreed to today or the full ramifications of it. I do not believe she will ever have custody of them again. I believe the next two months are going to be a challenge for all of us, but the Lord will see us through.
Prasie the Lord Sop[hie's temperment has improved for today! It is wonderful to see that Sophie is "learning to read". I am very pleased to see this progress.
I am very happy that Elisaabeth likes school so well and has made new friends. I am sure that it feels good to you that she is able to ride the school bus in the morning.
I will keep you posted to how things are going with me. Take care. Know that each of you are rememabered in prayer daily. Hugs and kisses all around. Love, Eileen
Posted by: Eileen J Brumbaugh | August 30, 2005 11:19 PM
Posted by: Marie | August 31, 2005 10:49 AM