8:45 PM: We just got home from a "trunk or treat" and scary hayride at the church (Sophie skipped the scary part). We had lots of kids, and the whole thing was just great! What fun. The kids are now crabby and tired, but they had a really good time. Elisabeth dressed up as Scooby, and Sophie was a Care Bear (I think it's Cheer Bear--the one with the rainbow). Elisabeth's costume was plenty big--I think she can wear it for the next two years. Sophie's fit perfectly, and she couldn't have been more adorable. They both got lots of compliments, and the costumes were both plenty warm, so they were comfortable.
We're very curious to hear the results of Sophie's blood test tomorrow. She has seemed pale and tired at times. I think we're definitely ready for her ANC to be high enough to start treatment on Tuesday, but if it's not, we'll enjoy the extended break.