9:15 PM: This weekend is just flying by! Randall and I both worked at home yesterday while the girls were at school/day care. Yesterday was Elisabeth's last day at school until after the holidays, but we found out that we can take her to Countryside next week with Sophie (which we will do until Randall's mom gets here).
This morning we went Christmas caroling with another family from church. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, and I'm really glad we went. After lunch, Sophie and I took a nap while Randall worked on his sermon and Elisabeth complained nearly constantly about not feeling well. Randall gave her some cough medicine, which seemed to help. We've had a quiet evening at home, getting ready for all the activities tomorrow (church, dress rehearsal for the Christmas pageant, and the actual pageant).
The girls are attempting to "camp out" in Sophie's room tonight. The plan is that they will sleep together in a little Dora tent. We're skeptical that this will result in any sleep, but we're willing to give it a try for a little longer before separating them. (It may be a long night).