10:00 PM Today started like a regular day. Susan had a women's breakfast at church and I stayed home and watched the girls and worked (some) on my commissioning papers. We went to town for lunch and to get some prescriptions refilled for Sophie. After that, we came home and made a couple of lemon buttermilk pies using Susan's grandmother's recipe--yum!
The reason why we made the pie was so that we could take them to our friend Madi's house (Madi had leukemia like Sophie). We had a great time there. The girls played and played and we visited with Howard and Allison and even got to play dominoes. I don't think we've played any games since we moved to this area, so we had a great time. Unfortunately, as we were packing up to leave, Allison said that Sophie felt warm. We checked her temperature and it was 102. So, we got UNC on the phone and started making arrangements to get Sophie and Susan up to UNC. Happy anniversary. Just when you think you've reached a milestone and can assume that everything is behind you, life takes a curve. Susan and Sophie are on their way to UNC right now and will easily spend much of the night there. They will draw some blood and take cultures to make sure that there is no serious infection going on and to check Sophie's ANC levels (indicators of her immune system's strength). They will likely give her some IV antibiotics as well. If everything looks okay, they'll probably head home early in the morning, but I won't expect either of them in church. If there is a problem, Sophie will be admitted and they'll certainly not be in church in the morning! I guess what is worrisome about this trip is how sudden Sophie's temperature went up. In the past, she had been sick for a day or two and we had been monitoring her temperature. Although we check her temp every day, she's been fine--a normal, happy, healthy child (under the circumstances, of course).