8:45 AM: I have tons of things to do for work, so I'll procrastinate by typing out an update instead! It's been a busy couple of days (thus, the lack of updates on here). I drove in to work two days in a row (lots of meetings), and Randall drove in for class yesterday, so we've put lots of miles on the car and have been extra-tired at night. The girls are both doing well. Sophie has had a few complaints (a "headick", and sometimes her tummy or her foot hurts). There's some stomch bug going around at her day care, but we're hoping she hasn't picked it up.
Last night we went to do some work to prepare for our big steak dinner at church this weekend. We've got a caterer in our congregation, and we were doing a lot of the prep at her workshop. I had the girls with me, and they ended up playing "school" with some white boards and dry erase markers. When it was time to go, Sophie threw the biggest tantrum I've seen in some time. Ginny took two white boards off the wall and sent the girls home with the boards and some markers (to be returned on Sunday). It was nice to have the tantrum resolved without the parents giving in and setting a bad precedent. When we got home, the girls played and played (has anyone noticed how bad those markers smell, though? Yikes!). They had so much fun together, they decided to both sleep in Sophie's room. As usual, they chattered and played much longer than they should have, but after a threat of separation, they settled down and went to sleep.
Tomorrow, the girls will get a nice surprise. Someone at RTI saw the news about the triathlon and Sophie and got in touch to say his daughter Brianna (also 3 and a half) wanted to give Sophie her doll house. As usual, we felt guilty about it (after all, we don't need a doll house) and thought about asking him to give the doll house to the hospital or clinic instead, but then I figured their family feels really good about doing something nice for a specific, tangible child, and I know my girls will absolutely love it. It's a 3-story Fisher-Price dollhouse, with a couple of dolls and furniture to go with it. After the girls left for school this morning, I set it all up in the living room so they can play with it when they get home (and frankly, I got a kick out of going through all the furniture and putting each piece in the house--we're all kids at heart I guess).