8:00 AM: One of my co-workers asked me this morning whether I had a good weekend. Without hesitation, I replied, "Yes!" Randall posted an update Friday from our hotel room in Asheboro about our plans for the weekend. We ended up having kind of a rough night Friday night. We just had the one room (sometimes we get two adjoining rooms so that we can stay up and talk after the girls go to bed), and we paid for an in-room movie (Tim Burton's Corpse Bride, which we all enjoyed) and then the girls and I went to sleep while Randall worked on his sermon (I slept with Sophie and Elisabeth was with Randall). Starting at about 2:00 in the morning, Sophie woke up every 15-30 minutes having to go potty or wanting something to drink or just complaining, and I started feel really nauseated. We think that Sophie was starting to get a urinary tract infection, because she was going so frequently (but in such small amounts) and said it hurt. Everyone eventually woke up and we headed out to the zoo. Storms were passing through, so it was kind of a crummy day, but that also meant the zoo wasn't very crowded, and it never rained very hard. The Carolina PALS program paid the entrance fee for everyone, and Sophie's PAL Adrianne was there and walked around with us. Luckily, we had decided to take our old stroller, because Sophie really wasn't up to walking. We spent the morning on the "Africa" side of the zoo and then joined everyone for lunch. That's when it started raining, unfortunately, but I think everyone managed to find picnic tables under shelter. The catered lunch was excellent, and we enjoyed getting to know Adrianne better. After lunch, I went back to the car to take a nap while Randall and the girls explored the "North America" side of the zoo. It was too hot to be in the car without some air on, and in my attempt to conserve gas, I ran the car in "accessory" mode while I slept. about an hour and half later, I woke up when the car beeped and I realized my mistake. The battery had run down. Just about 5 minutes later, Randall and the girls came back and I had to confess my error. It took Randall a long time to find someone with jumper cables (note to self: buy jumper cables for the car), but someone who was parked in the parking lot on the other side of the zoo agreed to come back over. About 45 minutes later, when he still hadn't arrived, Randall searched again for help and found a ranger who was able to get us going. What an adventure!
Once we got going, we drove to our friends' house in Greensboro. It was so good to see them again. Randall knew Ann from Divinity School, and we had also gone to church with them when we lived in Durham. Elisabeth had really bonded with their youngest daughter Caroline when they took dance class together. Both of our girls had fallen asleep on the way there (it was about a 50 minute drive), and Sophie clearly hadn't gotten enough sleep. She was really out of it when we arrived. I was pretty worried about her. I held her for a long time, and then I put her down to sleep in another room. By the time dinner was ready, she had pretty much perked up, although she didn't eat much. Our two girls really anjoyed playing with their three girls. Their oldest is just finishing middle school, I think, and she did a great job mothering the other girls while us parents got caught up. We had a such a nice time, we didn't want to leave, but Randall still had some prep work to do, so we headed out. The girls were awake for the whole trip home (over two hours) but went to sleep pretty easily once we got home (after 10:30!).
The Sunday service went well. Attendance was high yesterday--not a big surprise, I guess. Sophie still felt a little crummy. We called her UNC hospitals to see whether we needed to take her in. They said to give her plenty of fluids and Tylenol and if that didn't seem to make her feel better we could bring her in. She definitely got better as the day went on. She was tired during church (and I was still not feeling totally well), so she and I came home to nap after worship instead of staying for Sunday School. It was a nice quiet afternoon, and Randall and I enjoyed our "date night" while Ashely from church stayed with the girls. I'm at work this morning, and Randall was looking forward to having us all out of his hair so he can do his Monday routine of getting the house in order.
Update on T'yanna: I just called the hospital, and she's still there. She was expected to go home on Thursday last week, but her ANC was really low, so the risk of infection was too high. As it turned out, she ran a fever Thursday night, so even if she had gone home, she would have had to come right back. Melissa says she's feeling much better and the tumor seems to be shrinking, since it's no longer blocking her urinary tract. She's also no longer on morphine but is instead just taking codeine twice a day. The chemo is deifinitely affecting all her blood counts (which is a good sign that it's also affecting the cancer!). She's had several red blood cell and platelet transfusions. She had been taking heparin shots because of a blood clot that had formed in her leg, but with her low platelet count, they had to put a hold on the shots. T'yanna is feeling well enough to be out of bed and spent nearly two hours in her wheel chair yesterday (she can't walk because of the clot, I think), but the risk of infection has been too high for her to be out of her room. She really wants to go out in the hallway, so Melissa is hoping the doctors will let her go out with a mask today. Sophie has treatment in Chapel Hill tomorrow, so we're hoping to stop by and visit after we're done.