« 5/17/06 AM | Main | 5/19/06 »

5/18/06 AM

9:30 AM: We had a great day yesterday, and everything is turning out right, medically-speaking. The blood culture from the 15th has stayed negative, and she didn't have any fevers yesterday, so things are looking good for getting out of here. The doctors checked in with us this morning and said they just need to stabilize the dosage of the gentamycin, so we can be released either late tonight or early tomorrow. Given how far away we live, Randall and I think tomorrow would be better. He's going to take care of some things at home and then pick up Elisabeth and bring her here. We'll hang out together for a while and then I'll take Elisabeth home (and I'll probably take a load of Sophie's things with me so there won't be so much to haul tomorrow). I asked how long the course of antibiotics will be (last time it was 10 days). They said because this infection is a little more serious, she'll be on both antibiotics for 14 days, which will run through 5/29. Amazingly, that's the day before we leave for New Mexico, so we'll be in good shape for travelling. The doctors said there's no reason we shouldn't be able to take her on the trip.

One hard thing about being in the hospital is meeting families whose children have relapsed. Two we've met this time are Aurora, age 5, whose Wilms tumors (kidney tumors) have now spread to her lungs, and Maci, age 3, who has relapsed from Acute Myelogenous Leukemia (AML). Many people who have seen Sophie say that her hair looks like Maci's did before it fell out this second time. These girls we've met are both adorable and have really nice families. We'll certainly be holding them in our hearts.


Hi Susan, Randall, Elisabeth, and Sophie, I am sorry that Sophie is sick again. I don't know anything about that particular gram negative rod. It is not one that we see in the NICU. I know that Sophie's first infection was a hospital acquired staph epi, a gram positive cocci, based on the sensitivity of it being only responsive to Vancomycin. I wasn't sure when you said that this infection was truly a gram positive rod (there are such things) but figured that you most likely meant a gram negative rod since that's what most of them are. I am glad that the bacteria is sensitive to reasonable antibiotics.
I am sorry that Sophie is septic again though. I agree that one of the first things that ID recommends is to pull whatever central line there is, treat peripherally, and then replace the line after the infection is cleared. I think that is because they do not have to place the peripheral IVs nor replace the central line. My personal feeling about the line is to treat through it and wait to see if it gets infected again. I think that at this point in Sophie's treatment, you still would be better off with a central line than repeated pokes with needles. Central lines are not without their risks, but repeated pokes with needles also produce an infection risk as well. There is no easy answer.
I do hope that you are all able to be at home for Sophie's bithday. If not, I am certain you will celebrate wherever you are.
Since you haven't mentioned her, I assume that T'yanna has been discharged home again. I pray for her when the Lord brings her to mind.
Take care. Know that you are in my prayers daily. Hugs and kisses all around. Love, Eileen