8:45 PM: Sophie and I are still visiting with my mom and Nannie. Nannie sleeps a lot and is easily worn out, but she watches Sophie like a hawk and smiles a lot. That's nice to see. I talked to Randall a couple of times yesterday, and he was pretty tired but happy to be there. I also talked to Elisabeth last night, and she had a fun day with Oma. Sophie and I went to church today. She helped pass the plates for the offering and felt very grown-up. She and Grammy went out to lunch together today while I took care of Nannie. Sophie has been in a great mood this week. I guess the steroids have hardly affected her this month. Sophie is standing next to me and says she would like to type something:
sophie xxxxxxzaaaaaaaaaaaasdfdfdrfgvddqa
4 (how old she is)
Good night!