« 8/7/06 | Main | 8/11/06 »


5:40 PM: Today at 4:00 PM, Nannie died. The hospice nurse had visited this morning and said it would probably be today. She had become nonresponsive for the most part and had stopped swallowing liquids during the night. She went very calmly in her sleep and wasn't at all distressed when she took her last breath. The girls and I had gone out for the day to visit an old friend of mine and her daughter. We were in the car on our way home when it happened, so the girls didn't have to see it. One of the neighbors took the girls so we could take care of everything. The funeral home is driving away with her now.

Tomorrow morning, we'll pack up and head over to where Nannie grew up. Her sisters still live there, and she wanted to have the funeral there. Although we haven't coordinated the timing with the funeral home over there, we suspect Randall will be home in time to be there with us. I'll go ahead and pack up all our things, and we'll probably head home from there directly instead of coming back here. Although I've been away from work for two weeks, I'm going to try to take some time off after the funeral, because I am emotionally wiped out. I mean I'm functioning just fine (because I have to), but I've hardly felt able to cry yet, and I think it's going to take me some time to recover. I figure I'm already disconnected from work. I might as well stay that way a few days longer.

Thanks, as always for your love and support.


Susan I'm so sorry about "Nannie." Something told me to check postings. Just know that you are in our prayers.

Susan, please accept my condolences on the passing of your beloved grandmother. May God continue to keep you in His loving care and keep you strong. Nannie is with Him now and having the time of her life.

Susan, Randall, Elisabeath, Sophie, and Mary, I am sorry for the loss of Nannie. I am sure none of you would want her to continue to be in pain, but there is a real loss to each of you. May you be comforted by the many fond memories you have of your time with her. Safe travels. Know that all of you are remembered in prayer. Hugs and kisses all around. Love, Eileen

Susan, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Jamie
"When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight." ~Kahlil Gibran

Susan, what a loss for you and your family. I can only imagine what kind of state you are in, given what you have gone through over the last month or 2. So sad for you and your family. Wishing you strength to get through the next few weeks, and hope you are able to get time to recover emotionally and take care of yourself. Thinking of you, Heidi

I am so sorry to hear about your Nannie. You and your family will remain in our thoughts and prayers. Take Care. Laura Wilson

Randall, Susan and family -
I'm so sorry to hear about Nanny -- the blessing is she is in heaven, and the other half of that is that those left here will miss her.
Susan - give your Mom a big hug from us -what a huge blessing it was that you could be there for Nanny's final days.
Take care (& Yes, a couple more days away from work makes really good sense!)
Love to Randall when he returns, and to you and the girls.
Jean & boys


I am so sorry about Nannie. What a blessing for you and the girls to spend her final days on earth. Now she has been welcomed into the Kingdom and will watch over you and your family.

Lots of Love,

Just wanted to let you know you are in our prayers. We are so sorry to hear of your Nannie's passing.

Wayne and Erika