9:33 PM Well, another week is quickly coming to a close. I think we're settling into some kind of routine, although it may be too early to tell. Sophie has been to Countryside for two days in a row now, and was pretty cheerful this morning at drop-off (it helped that her best friend Tamar was there, along with her new best friend, Madelyn (whose mother Deanna posts comments here on Sophie's blog)--I have taken to calling them the "Three Amigos" or the "Three Musketeers." Elisabeth is settling back into school (she's excited about an upcoming field trip and she'll resume piano lessons tomorrow at school). Susan's day back at work went well, and she's planning on going in three days next week (I think). It's nice for her to be able to ease back in, and it's nice that her co-workers are taking it easy on her and making her feel very welcome.
Tomorrow, Susan's mom is coming down for a visit. It'll be nice to see her, and I'm sure it'll be nice for her to be away from home for a while. It's been a long time since she's been able to visit, with Nannie being sick and all. The girls are going to a slumber party tomorrow night, so the grown-ups have plans to go out to dinner. Everyone is excited! Next week, Susan and I will take the opportunity to get away for a night and stay at the Washington Duke Inn up in Durham (I won a complimentary night in a Duke Divinity alumni drawing this past spring and we're finally getting around to using it).
Sophie will get a dressing change tomorrow. This morning, as she was getting dressed (and getting her tail caught in her sleeve), she said, "I'm tired of things coming out of me." Yeah, we're all tired of it, sweetie. If we can only convince her to take a peripheral IV once a month, we can do without anything hanging out of you all the time. Sophie goes back to the clinic on 9/19. Maybe by then she'll be okay with an IV.