« 7/30/07 | Main | 08/10/07 »


7:00 AM Central Time: So, we've had a good run, with Sophie sleeping through the night pretty much all week. Until last night. 1:30 in the morning, and Sophie is standing next to the bed on Randall's side, blankie in hand, insisting that she can't sleep. Our rule is that she can't sleep with us (too much tossing and turning and then Randall ends up on the couch), so Randall threw out our traditional offerings: (1) We can pull out the crib mattress we keep under our bed and she can sleep next to Daddy on the floor [thanks, Dan and Cindy for that idea from years ago!], (2) We can make a bed for her on the couch, or (3) She can go back to bed. She just kept repeating that she couldn't sleep. She stood there for I don't know how long. I actually fell asleep a couple of times, because she would stand there silently pouting, but then I would wake up when she would loudly exhale or start complaining again. We just kept telling her she had those three choices, and she kept insisting that none would work. We were not going to give in and neither was she. Finally, when we offered the three options again, she said she wanted to sleep next to *me* on the floor. So, that's what she did, and she managed to exert her will in a way that didn't mean we were caving in. I will say that when I woke up this morning at 6:00, Randall was on the couch anyhow (not sure why--he's still there), and what woke me up was the sound of Sophie's teeth grinding. So, we may have found a compromise, but I still don't think Randall and I got a good night's sleep. Oh well, it gives me a chance to get some work done in silence before the flood of e-mails start. SLIGHT UPDATE: Not long after I posted, Sophie came wandering down the hall, wondering where Daddy was. I told her he was on the couch, so she went and got her pillow and they're both sleeping together in there (it's a sectional, so their heads are together and their bodies are making an "L")--it's very sweet!


What a nice picture to wake up to! Good for you for holding your ground. I know it is tough in the middle of the night. I got up to put in a load of wash, and am heading back to bed. I love you -- Mom

Hello Partin family. It sounds as if you are very busy. I wanted to say a quick hello to everyone. Tell Elisabeth that I have a picture of us in my Bible with our matching boots. I show it around in Sunday School from time to time, and of course, everyone gets a big kick out of it. They all think I need a matching pink cowgirl hat, so I'd better watch out or one of them may have one under the Christmas tree for me this year. Love and prayers, Amy Fields

Sounds like Sophie is getting over the rash (FYI-remember Septra in her allergy list)and sounds like she is exerting her independence in making decisions (even though it took awhile @ 2 AM)but Moms always like the "sleeping picture". I'm sure it was a very warm feeling. I hope Elisabeth got her sleep and was not bothered--please tell her I have seen the "pink boots picture". Very cute. We at Wesley's Chapel are ready for change again--meaning we are ready to "start doing something for the church and community." We've been sort of standing still for two months now. We are going to have a fund raising dinner each month starting in September @ Mingo. Can't wait to get started doing things again. VBS was beautiful--(we had our very own real size air balloon and all kids got to get into the basket and have pictures made.) Bob said to say Hi to all and he loves you. Tell Sophie he got a PICC line today for antibiotics for his nasal infections--we hope this works. And tell Sophie he was stuck two times by a nurse and it did not get in right and then we went to X-ray and a doctor stuck him three more times before he got it in the right place. He went to bed with a cut sock on his upper arm. I need to close, but need to say I miss all of you and love you loads!! I didn't mean to write a book. love frankie

Hey, it's your cousin from Blacksburg. I'm going to be visiting my nephew near Houston on 8-16 thru 8-27. I think you're not near there, but on the other side of Texas. I've flown thru Texas before, but have never been there. They just moved there on July 31, from Salt Lake City. I'm excited to go, but wish I could get a visit with yall also. My husband's cousin lives in San Antonio also, maybe some day we can plan a visit and catch everyone!! I'm glad you're doing good.

We had the family reunion yesterday and your Mom was not feeling well and didn't come. We missed yall!!

Love to Elisabeth, Sophie, Randall and yourself!!! Lois Ann