12:00 PM (Central time): Oh, what a morning it was. As you will recall from yesterday's update, Sophie was supposed to dress as a character from a book (and bring the book), and we were all set for her to go as Clifford. Well, Sophie put that costume on this morning, and it was too small! She's tall for her age (with a mother who is 6 feet tall, perhaps we shouldn't be surprised by that), and she turned 5 in May (whereas Elisabeth had turned 5 just one month earlier when she wore it). Anyhow, we really tried to make it work, but she was getting frustrated (and no one wants Sophie to be frustrated!).
So, with 10 minutes to go before we had to drive to school, I went into the garage (never a pleasant task) to find her recital costume from last year. Luckily I knew right where it was, and it still fit. The tutu was a little crazy, but we smoothed it out. I had Elisabeth go find a ballet book, and she found the Nutcracker--perfect! I put her hair up in a bun, found some pink slip-ons to serve as ballet "slippers," and we made it there with about 2 seconds to spare. She looks beautiful and was really proud of her costume!
We'll see how she feels about it when it's time to wear a costume to church and trick-or-treating. I'll report on that tomorrow....
I am so glad I have a creative daughter. Otherwise, Sophie might still be lying on her bed howling in displeasure! I think a ballet costume is MUCH better than Clifford!
I am tickled at Lizzy's insistence on what she wants to be called. It reminds me of a two-year-old who insisted on being called Susan instead of Susie, causing great difficulty for her older relatives! Maybe there is something to genetics.
I have been thinking about all of you -- both in Farwell and in Mexico. I hope all is well with Randall and Glen, and that your Halloween evening goes splendidly.
I love you -- Mop (or Mom if one's typing is a little better)
Posted by: MARY BRUMBAUGH | October 31, 2007 01:41 PM
I remember when Susan was a ballerina for Halloween. She wore a tutu made from Mary's graduation gown, which was a horrid color of baby blue -- very nice for a ballerina, but not too dignified for a university graduate. No surprise that they've changed UNF's color to dark blue!
Love to all of you, Dale
Posted by: Dale | November 4, 2007 07:33 PM