« 10/31/07 | Main | 11/10/07 »


9:00 AM (Central time): We had a pretty good night! The girls got their costumes on and went to the Baptist church, where they ate and had activities (but I picked them up before they were done, because ours overlaps with theirs). Then I brought them over to our church for dinner #2, and then each class went on a scavenger hunt around town. How fun! I went home to hand out candy while they were gone. Unfortunately, Sophie decided she wanted to be with me, so they had to swing by and drop her off. We had lots of kids and handed out lots of candy (not not all of it unfortunately!). Then Sophie and I went back to church to pick up Elisabeth. They had lit a fire and were making s'mores. It was starting to get late, so we took off to do a little trick-or-treating. We went by the homes of two church members who had invited us to come. By that time, most of the lights were off in our neighborhood. We did find two houses that still had lights on and helped them finish off their candy, and then we went home, tired and happy. That was really fine with us, because it was getting VERY cold. (Why does it seem to get markedly colder on Halloween every year??) After I insisted they brush their teeth, they went right to bed. Needless to say, they each had a piece of candy with their breakfast this morning.