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July 11, 2008


10:53 (Central time): We have been busy and happy! Lizzy has been at a camp all week, and we have really missed her (she comes home tonight). Although, honestly, I don't know that Sophie has missed Elisabeth very much at all. There has been no one to boss her around or bicker with.

On Wednesday night, we drove over to Albuquerque so that Randall could do some psychological testing that's required as part of the ordination process. I decided I could miss a day of work and go play while he was at his appointment. We stayed with our friends Barbara and Jeremy, and Sophie played with their kids (they have a sitter during the day) while I spent some much-needed time on my own. We had lunch with friends who went to seminary with Randall and had dinner with Barbara's dad and mom (who was celebrating a birthday). Before we knew it, it was time to head back home and we got in after 11:00. It was a nice little mid-week break that reminded us of all the reasons we love Albuquerque. It's nice to be home though!

Our latest obsession (other than facebook) is that we're planning a trip to Disney World right after Christmas. I spent much of the drive to and from Albuquerque reading out loud from a really good guidebook. It's still months away, but we are really looking forward to it!

July 21, 2008


9:30 AM (Central time): Things have been going well with us--nothing major to report! Here it is Monday, and I would say we had a satisfying weekend. Friday night we had decided we were going to see Journey to the Center of the Earth, but when Randall found out it wasn't in 3D in Clovis (*huge* surprise), we decided to go see it in Lubbock instead. But then we fund out it's not in 3D in Lubbock either, so we didn't see it at all.

Saturday was kind of a lazy day and we met our new friends (he's a pastor in a town about 30 minutes away, and they have 3 kids younger than ours!) for dinner at a new Thai restaurant and then went to one of the contemporary worship services in Clovis. Our two families have been attending worship at this church three times now--it's nice to hear good contemporary worship music, and it's nice to worship together as a family (since Randall's usually preaching, we don't get to sit together). We're really enjoying getting to know these new friends better, and our kids all play together nicely.

Sunday, of course, was filled with church stuff. The service was good. Randall is finishing up a five-week series based on a book called Outflow, and I think we're all fired up to do loving things around our community. I completed my last of five weeks teaching *all* of the kids Sunday School (preschool through upper elementary--whew!). There was a wedding shower in the afternoon, and then we had dinner and a movie at church. It was Evan Almighty. What a fun movie that was!

Getting the girls going this morning was amazingly difficult (and I stubbed my little pinkie toe!). But now Randall has taken them to day camp, and I have the house to myself as I try to get back into work.

Medically, everything is going great. Sophie got to skip July for her checkup and her next appointment is the first week in August. The girls both have dental appointments on Wednesday this week. Sophie will be getting several small fillings, and Elisabeth has her first consultation with the orthodontist. I'm looking forward to hearing the results of that visit!

July 28, 2008


8:45 AM (Central time): Well, once again, someone I work with asked me how our family is doing, and I found myself writing a novel. I thought to myself, why not share it with our blog friends and family? So here it is, slightly edited to add more detail. Some of this is news we have shared before, but perhaps some of you missed it.

It has been a crazy and fast summer. I can't believe there's less than a month left before school starts. Our family is doing really well. The girls are really growing up. We've been experimenting with leaving them home by themselves while we're up at the church (5 blocks away) for meetings. That's going mostly well. I usually get a call from Elisabeth around bedtime with Sophie crying in the background, but it's clear that Elisabeth has tried hard to calm her down.

Sophie is now one year post-treatment, which means we only have to go for blood checks every two months (90 miles away). That's less school she'll miss, which is more important now that she will be in the 1st grade. She was tested with some cognitive delays (quite likely the result of one of the chemotherapy drugs she took that goes into the brain). So she's probably not going to be a straight-A student like her sister. But she honestly doesn't give a flip, so I guess that's okay. She clearly is bright, but she struggles with timed assignments and rote memorization.

Elisabeth is getting ready for fifth grade and has made lots of friends. She is trying to decide whether to pursue cheerleading or 4H. I thought we had to own a horse or something for 4H to work, but it turns out there's quite a lot she can do, so that's what we are subtly pushing. Although she displays a teenage attitude a little more often than we would like, she is a good kid.

Randall just finished a great book/sermon/study series that really seems to be having a big effect on the church. We both really hope we can find a way to keep that mindset alive rather than just moving on to the next thing. We had quite a lot more people attending worship on Sunday than normal--many of them kids--so that was really great. It's just nice to see the church fairly full and to have lots of smiling faces pointing my way when I am leading the singing.

Part of the reason attendance was high is that there was a big annual event--Border Town Days. Our town (Farwell, TX) and the one just across the state line (Texico, NM) have a big parade that goes from Texico to Farwell (they even stop the trains that constantly run through here), and then there's a big party in the Farwell park, with music, food, crafts, and games. We usually get about 2,000 people who come for the event. This year, as part of the study Randall had us do, we gave away free bottles of water (imprinted with a scripture verse and the name of our church) to people in the parade and people waiting for the parade to start--in an effort to show God's love to those around us in practical, genuine ways. The whole day was a lot of fun, but it sure wiped us out. It's amazing how tired you can get just sitting around!

So, that's the news from our corner of the world. We hope you are doing well too, and we thank you for continuing to visit and check on us!