« 9/3/2009 | Main | 01/02/2010 »


12/10/2009, 12:40 PM CST: So sorry we haven't updated in such a long time! We're all doing well

Sophie is meeting with the oncologist every 3 months now, and she ahd a checkup last week. Everything looked great, and her doctor told us that after two more appointment (in June), Sophie will go from being considered "in remission" to being "cured"! We were so thrilled to hear that! The other big news on Sophie since our last update is that apparently she inherited her father's eyes. With 20/70 vision in both eyes, she is now the proud wearer of glasses. We just picked them up on Tuesday (12/8), so no pictures yet, but we'll try to post some soon! She's having a good year in the second grade and is enjoying dance class and piano lessons this year. Favorite activities: reading and playing on the computer.

Lizzy is in 6th grade (middle school!) and is having a good year. The school has a mandatory band program (which I think is great), and she plays clarinet. She's learning quickly and loves music. She is also still taking dance and piano lessons. She has a spiffy new cell phone, and she loves to wear "Hollister" shirts just like the other kids her age. She's a good, sweet kid.

Randall and I are both doing fine. We still like living in our little town and hope the Bishop lets us stay a little longer. I've been traveling a lot for work and meetings lately (six weeks in a row if you count driving to Randall's sister's house for Thanksgiving). But it's winding down now, thank goodness.

Happy Holidays!