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July 05, 2010


3:00 Mountain time: Well we're mostly settled in Las Cruces, NM. I can't believe it's all real. We've got a lot unpacked, and we've had our first Sunday at our new church. They combined the two services for our welcome, and the sanctuary was full. In addition to meeting tons of new people, we were very pleasantly surprised to see our old friends Dion and Beth from our church in Albuquerque. His parents live in Las Cruces and saw that our first Sunday was being celebrated. Since Dion and Beth were visiting this weekend, his mom suggested they come surprise us. It was like bookends having friends from the church we were in when Randall decided to go to seminary there. Randall is getting his office all set up and getting to know the staff and church members. His first sermon was a good one (of course, I don't think he's capable of preaching a bad one).

The girls seem to be enjoying themselves. Their bedrooms are painted, they have new bedding, and they are getting things arranged however they like (even if it's not how we would like!). Not sharing a bedroom is going to be good for them. Elisabeth is enjoying it more than Sophie, I think. They can ride bikes and scooters, and we have a nice back yard.

The animals (one dog, two cats) are adjusting well. The dig wants to be inside with us at all times!

My office isn't unpacked yet. I ordered a new desk that hasn't arrived yet, and we don't get internet until tomorrow. Right now, I'm in a really cute and interesting coffee shop that also sells jewelry and gifts. In a few minutes, I'm going to be checking my work e-mail for the first time in over a week. Yikes! Given the time-consuming chore facing me, I'd better go ahead and post this and get to it!


July 14, 2010


11:20 PM Eastern time: So I'm on eastern time because I'm with my mom, who is having some health issues. It started over the weekend with severe knee pain. She went to the ER and was admitted very late Friday with an infection of the left knee joint. That was determined to be Group G strep. She also has a skin infection in both legs that they thought was the same bacteria but now think is Group A strep. She in on penicillin for the original infection and clindamycin for the other infection. She's uncomfortable, confused, and uncertain. She'll be on IV antibiotics for 4 to 6 weeks. Once she is stabilized with the infections and able to bear weight on her legs, she will be transferred to a rehab facility (I visited the three approved by her insurance today). And we'll just see from there. Please keep Mary in your thoughts and prayers.