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January 05, 2011


8:15 Mountain time: I'm having to delete a lot of spam comments on my last post, so it must be time to write another one! We just got home from a week-long trip to Disney World, where we had a wonderful time. We are still able to use our badge from Sophie's original Make-a-Wish trip to get a card that allows us to use the FastPass line at Disney and the Express line at Universal. We stayed at the Hilton near Downtown Disney, which isn't a Disney resort but does have shuttles to Disney and allows us to use the extra magic hours available to resort guests. Most nights we went back to the hotel after dinner so we could get a good night's sleep. We were all physically exhausted just a few days into the trip, and my hip/leg was in pain a lot, but we managed to get around okay. Randall posted lots of pictures to Facebook, so if you have an account, be sure to check his Mobile Uploads album.

Mom stayed at our house while we were gone, and we made sure to have plenty of Diet Dr. Pepper on hand for her (oh, and food, too). It sounds like she had a nice time in the quiet house, but she had some significant pain in her arm that we will ask her doctor about on Friday. The church had a frozen pipe that caused some water damage in the Youth room, but it sounds like they got it under control already.

Well, I have quite a few e-mail messages to catch up on at work, but I wanted to share a quick up date and thank you for continuing to keep up with us! Happy New Year!

Update on 1/11: I am going to turn off comments for this post because I am getting multiple SPAM comments submitted every day. If you need to contact us, please e-mail, and I'll leave comments open on the next posting a little while before closing.