English Language Books:
The Shape Detectives, by Angela Santomero, illustrated by Karen Craig
Reading level: Baby-Preschool
I still love Blue's Clues. I have quite a few books, but this is my newest flap book. My Oma got me another book for my birthday about going to bed. I also really love to watch Blue on TV. The best part about Blue's Clues is looking for the snails. Have you noticed them?
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My First Word Board Book, by Angela Wilkes
Reading level: Baby-Preschool
I like this book (and the ABC book like it) because I recognize a lot of the things in it. The photographs look like real things, not cartoons. And the best part is that it has a picture of a snail on the garden page. I love to look for it.
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Lullaby and Good Night, by Packets of Learning
Reading level: 18 months - 4 years
My Grammy gave me this book a long time ago (she got it from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston), and it is definitely my favorite book. It's a good quality all-cloth book about a little bunny rabbit getting ready for bed. Each page has an activity I like, and the bunny can come out of the book and play a little song when I press his tummy. The whole book zips closed and has a handle so I can carry it around. Mama says it's nicer than any cloth book she's ever seen in a store. The link and picture here are for the same book, but about a bear. Mama says she doesn't know how to find the bunny version online, but she thinks they're probably the same.
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Are You My Mother?, by P.D. Eastman
Reading level: Baby-Preschool
This is one of my most favorite books, and we take it with us when we go out. I always turn right to the page with the kitten on it. And my papa loves the expression on the little bird's face when he's thinking everything over. This is probably the dirtiest book I have because I take it with me everywhere.
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Pat the Cat , by Edith Kunhardt
Reading level: Baby-Preschool
This is my most torn-up book. I love to pet the kitty, play peek-a-boo with the tablecloth, pull the money out of the ATM, and I pulled the kids on the seesaw right out of the book and tried to eat them! Lucky for us, everyone knows we love cats, so we've received 4 copies of this book as gifts!
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Non-English Books:
El Mausi geht schwimmen. Ein Zieh-Klapp-Buch., by Lucy Cousins
Reading level: Baby-Preschool
I love Maisy. I have several English flap books about her (and one of them has a snail!), and I love the show on TV. Daddy ordered this flap book from Germany for my birthday. I got this one and another one we really like about going to bed (Mausi geht schlafen).
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Hoppe, hoppe, Reiter, by Daniele Winterhager
Reading level: Baby-Preschool
Daddy also bought me this book. He's been playing this German rhyme with me since I was very little. I call it playing horsy, and he bounces me on his knees while he says the rhyme. At the end, he pretends to drop me. It's so much fun! This book also has the words to some of the songs on my favorite German tape.
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