Red Chile Sauce


1 1/2 T red chile powder
1 cup hot water
2 cloves garlic, crushed
1 1/2 T fat (from cooked meat, or use lard or shortening)
1 T flour
1/2 t salt


Soak chile powder and garlic in hot water and set aside. Melt fat in a small saucepan. Add flour. Cook and stir until browned. Add chile mixture and salt. Bring to a boil, then simmer until thickened. Makes approximately one cup.


I use one recipe of this sauce to marinate chicken (either to cook and eat in a meal or to use in chicken enchiladas). I make five times this recipe to use in a pan of enchiladas.


Something possessed me to put some of my favorite recipes on my web site back in 1995. I add a new one now and then when I discover something interesting. My recipes are generally combinations of favorite recipes I've found in cookbooks. They were developed through experimentation and lots of tasting!
Susan's Recipes Index
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