Easy Microwave Potatoes
Contributed by Miki

6-8 med Potatoes (skins on or off your preference)
2tsp Garlic Powder (or to your taste)
sm diced onion
2tsp Lemon Pepper Powder (or to your taste)
2tsp salt (or to your taste
1c of butter
1/2 c of Parmasan Cheese

Dice Potatoes in microwave safe dish that has a lid.  Add garlic powder, 
lemon pepper, diced onions, parmasan cheese.  Add butter to top of 
potatoes.  Microwave on High 10min. Stir. Microwave 10min more.  Stick 
knife in potatoes to see if they are soft.  If not microwave longer at 
5min intervals.

September 98 Recipes